Contract (Line Item)


Contract (Line Item)

A Contract line item represents a sub-unit of an order that defines who, what, when and how much will eventually execute and ultimately bill. This window can be accessed from the Contract.



Across the top of the window you have a main menu that gives you access to various features.

The main body of this window are fields that represent the "line item" of the Contract. Some of the fields in this portion of the line item are automatically populated (when creating a new line item) using the values specified on the Customer.


Main Menu


Main Body

Some fields of the window are automatically populated (when creating a new Contract) using the defaults specified on the Customer. These fields can further be modified for circumstances where the default is not appropriate for the specific Contract needs.

CS In order for a Rotation to be assigned, the rotations on the overall Contract must be saved first; you can do this by pressing the Apply button on the Contract window. This must be done in order to have the necessary "pointers" available for assignment.

CS It is easier to state that you should avoid using this; if the circumstances arise where it becomes necessary to be utilized, it will be very obvious. This setting, in many case, is mistakenly utilized because of a lack of knowledge and experience in how the Rotation selection works and, when utilized incorrectly, can severely limit the flexibility offered and restrict your ability to quickly and easily make changes as Copy changes over the duration of a Contract. When in doubt, chances are you don't need to use this; to be sure, please contact customer service for advice.



Weekly (Default)

When creating a weekly based line item, the M-Su fields are provided so that you can specify how many units (spots) will be generated per encountered day of the week between the specified Start Date and End Date. The Skip Weeks field provides an easy means to generate a pattern for the first scheduled week and skip x week(s) before repeating the specified pattern. The summary below this section displays the total number of units (spots) and the revenue associated based on the line item Rate.


When creating a daily based line item, the M-Su and Skip Weeks fields are replaced by a single Calendar button. The summary below this section displays the total number of units (spots) configured on the Calendar and the revenue associated based on the line item Rate. For further details regarding modifying the units (spots) configured for this type of schedule, see ContractLineItemCalendar.

Not available in Essentials.


Additional Information

See Common UI Behaviors.
See Contract.
See Group.

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